We Can Talk NHS Training

We Can Talk is an online training platform co-produced with young people with lived experience, hospital staff, and mental health experts. Its goal is to improve the experiences of young people who attend hospitals due to their mental health and support the NHS staff who care for them. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when in-person training was impossible, We Can Talk sought to create a digital training experience to teach NHS hospital staff how to effectively address mental health crises in young people.

Clear Honest Design partnered with We Can Talk to develop a custom-designed platform that offers interactive training elements and robust analytics for tracking progress. Since its launch, the platform has received overwhelmingly positive user feedback, with nearly 20,000 signups since summer 2021.

  • Client : We Can Talk NHS Training
  • Website : wecantalk.online
  • Issues : Mental Health, Young People, NHS, Online Training
  • Services Offered : e-learning, Design, Development, Branding, Strategy

Trialing the initial online training experience

Initially, we created a trial version of the online training platform, featuring a simple linear journey of 1-hour training. The trial received over 15,000 signups, with over 95% of users reporting that the training made a significant difference in their day-to-day jobs and over 99% of users saying they would recommend the training.

Encouraged by the positive feedback, we built a fully-fledged version of the platform in 2020, incorporating more interactive training elements and additional features.

Developing an immersive and interactive training platform

The updated We Can Talk platform includes engaging features such as drag-and-drop games, live polls with instant community data, memory games, and an hour-long Black Mirror Bandersnatch-style choose-your-own-path adventure video. These interactive elements were designed to make the training more engaging and memorable for NHS staff.

Enhancing the platform with automated certificates and analytics

To further support NHS staff, we integrated automatic generation of PDF CPD certificates with the user's name, hospital, and trust, as well as automated Nursing Midwifery Council forms with completed data. Custom-built analytics and reporting functionality, along with a custom interface for We Can Talk staff, were added to track user progress and gather valuable data for improvement.

Ensuring accessibility and compliance with WCAG 2.1

Accessibility was a top priority in the development of the We Can Talk platform. The website was designed to be fully accessible, meeting WCAG 2.1 guidelines and exceeding them wherever possible. This focus on accessibility ensures that the training platform is inclusive and user-friendly for all NHS staff.

The Results

The We Can Talk platform has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from users. Of the trainees, 95% believed that all hospital staff would benefit from the training. Additionally, 99% of participants reported that the training would have a moderate or significant impact on their job, and 99.6% of users would recommend the training to their colleagues.

The custom-built platform has been instrumental in training nearly 20,000 NHS staff since summer 2021, empowering them to better support young people experiencing mental health crises in hospitals.

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